MBUZZ: Are QR Codes the Future of Video Advertising?

Louis Calderon

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From graduation caps to restaurant menus, QR codes have become integrated into most Americans’ daily lives. 2022 predictions show that 37.5% of smartphone users will scan a QR code. Marketers are now starting to leverage QR codes in their campaign creatives. Most recently, Coinbase Global, a cryptocurrency platform, aired a 30s QR Code spot during the 2022 Super Bowl. The spot was simple, captured attention, and drove enough response from viewers to crash their site.

What This Means:

A common challenge for video-based media is understanding the impact on desired outcomes as a result of exposure. Historically, video-based media has not offered the greatest performance insight beyond exposure and reach. With the continued rise of QR codes, this challenge may become a thing of the past. QR codes within a video spot offer a trackable way for advertisers to monitor digital KPIs.

According to Nielsen, 88% of Americans use a second digital device while watching TV. Brands can capitalize on the second screen usage by integrating QR codes that direct users to:

  • The website for more content

  • Follow on social

  • Download/Install the brand app

  • E-commerce page

  • Provide coupons

  • Sign-up/form submission

The MBuy Take:

It may be too early to predict if QR codes are a passing advertising fad or remain prevalent for video advertising. MBuy predicts more brands will lean headfirst into this alternative tracking method and produce “interactive video” spots that will feature QR codes. These spots will be able to link the viewer to a desired online action. QR Codes in video spots will offer brands the opportunity to gather more data and it may be worth testing in the next round of video development. We recommend that direct response-oriented brands begin to test video creative with QR codes in 2022. QR codes work best when there is an immediate rewarding action/interaction for the consumer. Actions such as a coupon, app download, or one-click shopping experience will likely outperform consideration-based actions (such as a website visit). We are eager to see how QR Codes impact video advertising in the coming months. In the meantime, we will keep trying to teach our parents how to use their smart TVs.

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